Why do I need to Change my Brake Fluid?
Regular maintenance costs a little in the short run but helps you retain your car’s condition longer than motorists who don’t practice automotive care. This comes in handy in the future when major automotive systems continue to operate.
Similar to changing your motor oil, changing your brake fluid is an easy maintenance procedure and it will keep your car running longer. Make sure you change brake fluid as directed in your owner’s manual. Whenever you step on the brake pedal, brake fluid transfers the force to the brakes to slow or stop your vehicle. As time goes on and your brake system begins to inevitably deteriorate small pieces of rust and debris can land in your brake fluid. Dirty brake fluid is much less effective and your brakes will not work as well. Flushing your brake fluid will essentially take all of the old brake fluid that is dirty out of your system and replace it with clean brake fluid.
Recommended service intervals vary by the manufacturer from every few years to once or twice during the life of the vehicle. It’s possible for brake fluid to lose its effectiveness or for leaks to occur. If you experience abnormal brake performance, make sure to have your car checked.